Aeration Septic, Inc. (ASI) provides professional septic service, repairs, and maintenance for aerobic treatment systems in northeast Ohio. Our company provides comprehensive septic maintenance, and annual service contracts, which comply with manufacturers’ specifications.
Contract customers receive discounted prices on parts and labor, two routine service visits during the contract period, and quick response to non-routine septic system issues. We communicate regularly with the environment health divisions of county health departments on behalf of our nearly 2,000 satisfied customers. Our office management team keeps up to date on Ohio’s new septic service regulations to make sure our service professionals are keeping our customers’ systems in compliance with federal, state and local regulations. The ASI team of professionals participates in a wide variety of manufacturer and industry training programs to learn about new products and septic service techniques. ASI installs factory approved parts and Class 1 blowers and aerators. We are licensed, bonded and insured. To learn more or to schedule an appointment please call (330)854-4405.